Combine Rice Mill Price 3 HP Mini Combine Rice Mill

Rs. 43,000.00 Rs. 41,500.00

Transportation charge will extra (परिवहन शुल्क अतिरिक्त होगा)

We have Developed Mini Rice Mill Machine for domestic purpose. We have developed this machine by considering mini rice mill price, quality and need of various customers. We have use efficient screen technology in rice mill. It is operated in domestic power supply with standard motor. We have used heavy screen and Varam in the machine. It is very easy to operate and installed. Best use for small business. Combine rice mill use for cleaning of rice and grinding of grains or paddy for animal feed use.

 Weight Approx. 110 Kg
Capacity Approx. 150 to 16 Kg 
Electric Motor 3 HP Single Phase
RPM 2880 RPM
Voltage 220 V
Power Consumption 2.5 Unit 
Grinding Capacity Approx. 15 Kg
Body MS
Type  Semi Automatic
Grains Processing Machine